Jinko Solar-Improving Climate Governance


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Home Sustainability Responses to Climate Change Improving Climate Governance

Improving Climate Governance

Climate Governance Framework

Jinko Solar has established a climate governance framework with the Board of Directors as its core. We are committed to promoting the in-depth integration of climate governance and the Company's business philosophy and practice through a top-down governance structure, to respond to stakeholders' concerns and expectations on climate-related issues with concrete actions.

Decision-Making Level

Policy Decision

Board of Directors & Strategy and
Sustainable Development Committee

The Board of Directors is the top governing and decision-making body for climate-related issues. The Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee, on behalf of the Board of Directors, oversees climate governance decisions, and is responsible for reviewing the strategic planning, targets, and progress of climate actions, as well as the assessment results and management of climate risks and opportunities. The Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee consists of 5 members, including 1 independent director. Each member possesses professional expertise in various fields, including finance and corporate management, enabling them to address key challenges in the Company's climate-related issue management and the advancement of climate action. The Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee organizes at least one meeting every year.



ESG Management Committee
- Comprised of the heads of the core associated departments related to ESG

The ESG Management Committee is the management body for climate change. Comprised of the heads of the core associated departments related to ESG, it is responsible for discussing and formulating climate action strategies, targets and policies. It also manages the identification and response of climate risks and opportunities.

Execution level


Collaborative Departments
- Comprised of the heads of associated departments and main contact related to ESG

Collaborative departments are the executive body for addressing climate change. Comprised of the heads of associated departments and main contact related to ESG, they are responsible for driving the implementation of climate actions across various business units, assessing and implementing climate risk mitigation and adaptation measures, and serving as the primary contact to facilitate the implementation of climate strategies.

Climate Governance Development

Jinko Solar continuously strengthens internal climate governance, enhances the development of climate risk management system, collaborates with internal departments to actively innovate in measures to address climate change, and empowers all members to enhance climate governance capabilities. We communicate the progress of climate-related issue management and climate actions by internally displaying achievements of climate disclosure, ratings and publicity activities. While enhancing internal capabilities, we continue to explore practical approaches to external communication of climate governance experience. We leverage our influence to engage external stakeholders to jointly address the challenges of climate change, making contributions to the sustainable development of the industry ecosystem and to the high-quality development of the global economy and industry.

External Communication

Internal Empowerment


Refining the systems of ESG management, climate change management, and carbon management, and establishing internal standards.


Collaborating internal departments to implement carbon peaking and carbon neutrality projects including energy conservation and decarbonization across the industry chain, "Zero-Carbon Factory" construction, and carbon management platform construction.


Sharing the progress of climate actions by internally displaying achievements of climate disclosure, ratings, and publicity activities.


Strengthening the awareness and capabilities of all employees in addressing climate change through internal and external training.


Driving suppliers to carry out decarbonization projects and enhance carbon-reduction capabilities across the supply chain.


Serving the demand of downstream customers for climate-friendly products.


Conducting climate-themed public welfare activities and leading the public development of low-carbon concept.


Supporting global partners to explore strategies for climate risk mitigation and adaptation.

Jinko Solar 8S Climate Governance Ecosphere

Internal Empowerment


Refining the systems of ESG management, climate change management, and carbon management, and establishing internal standards.


Collaborating internal departments to implement carbon peaking and carbon neutrality projects including energy conservation and decarbonization across the industry chain, "Zero-Carbon Factory" construction, and carbon management platform construction.


Sharing the progress of climate actions by internally displaying achievements of climate disclosure, ratings, and publicity activities.


Strengthening the awareness and capabilities of all employees in addressing climate change through internal and external training.

External Communication


Driving suppliers to carry out decarbonization projects and enhance carbon-reduction capabilities across the supply chain.


Serving the demand of downstream customers for climate-friendly products.


Conducting climate-themed public welfare activities and leading the public development of low-carbon concept.


Supporting global partners to explore strategies for climate risk mitigation and adaptation.

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